Cydiamine is an alternative to Cydia 2 and the default package manager for the dopamine jailbreak tool.

What is Cydiamine?
The Cydiamine is an upcoming default package manager for the dopamine jailbreak tool. At this time, Sileo and Zebra are the supported third-party stores for dopamine, but both tools are outdated and do not receive regular updates.
As you know, Cydia is the most popular app store for jailbroken devices, but it is already outdated and Saurik hasn’t given updates to it.
So Cydia Mine is the alternative to saurik’s Cydia and Cydia 2.
How to Install Cydiamine
CydiaMine demo version has been released. You can download it from the button below.
This version is still incomplete and has several issues. The final version will be released soon. Currently, the only things you can do are search for tweaks and view your already installed tweaks.

Download Cydiamine
Compatibility for Cydiamine
Cydiamine is Only for Dopamine compatibility device versions and models.
( iOS 15 to iOS 16.6.1 / A12+ )
Difference between Cydiamine and cydia 2
We have identified main differences between Cydiamine and Cydia 2.
All the iPhone users know the Cydia 2 package manager perfectly supports latest iOS 16 – iOS 18.3 Beta versions, but Cydia Mine only supports dopamine and dopamine-compatible versions.
Cydia Mine does not support the latest iPhone 15 and iPhone 16 Pro device models, but Cydia 2 does.
Most importantly, Cydia 2 is not compatible with pirate repositories, so you can’t add hacked repos. This means your device is very safe. You won’t have to think about device safety after installing Cydia 2.
Cydiamine developer
We expect to see an improved version of Dopamine released next weeks, brought to you by the Cydiamine complete package manager. A big thank you goes out to the main developer, @Sunstar_16, for spearheading this development.
Additional thanks to the following contributors for their valuable efforts – @opa334dev, @eveiyneee, @Little_34306, @ProfeJailbreak, @limneos, @elihwyma, and @Pwn20wnd.
Cydiamine FAQs
1. Is Cydiamine compatible with the latest iOS versions
No, Cydiamine only supports devices that are compatible with the Dopamine jailbreak.
2. Can I install Cydiamine without a jailbreak
No, you can only install Cydia Mine after completing the Dopamine jailbreak process.
3. Can I install pirate repositories on Cydia 2
Yes, you can install pirate repositories on Cydia 2.
However, using pirate repositories can compromise your device’s security. Cydia 2 offers an advantage in this regard because it prevents you from adding pirate repositories, therefor enhancing your device’s safety.
4. Which is safer for my device, Cydia 2 or Cydia Mine
Cydia 2 is the safer option because it’s a rootless package manager. Unlike full jailbreak tools that can void your device’s warranty, Cydia 2 doesn’t modify your system’s root files.
5. Is Cydia discontinuoed
Yes, the Saurik’s original Cydia is discontinoued because of the technical problems. However, Cydia 2 and Cydiamine are emerging as alternatives to the original Cydia.
Why would we still use Cydia 2 / dopamine for device customization
Apple limits the features available for customizing app icons, home screens, and lock screens.
Cydia 2 and dopamine, offers a wide range of iOS modifications that allow you to revamp your device’s functionalities and personalize your experience.
According to the Cydia 2 brand-new package manager, It works similarly to the original Cydia, you can access third-party repos and themes without jailbreak.