Dopamine Jailbreak (Complete Guide)

Dopamine jailbreak is a method to install the Sileo on iOS versions 16.6.1 to 15.

Users of the latest iOS versions 18.3 to 17 cannot use Dopamine because it is unsupported. However, if you want more customizations through a jailbroken app manager, we suggest installing the Cydia 2 package manager instead of Sileo.

Dopamine Jailbreak for iOS 15 - 16.6.1

Features of Dopamine jailbreak

A future Dopamine release is likely to add a Cydia package installer called Cydiamine. Here are the features of Dopamine semi-untethered permasigned jailbreak.

  1. Sileo and Zebra third-party package managers are offered by default.
  2. After opening the Dopamine app, you can browse tweaks from the Ellekit library. Additionally, rootless repos and tweaks are available.
  3. Improved exploit performance and a user-friendly interface ensure a reliable jailbreak process.
  4. The Dopamine app features a news feed for easy jailbreak updates.
  5. Dopamine allows users the option to temporarily hide or completely remove the jailbreak.
Default package managers of Dopamine Jailbreak (Sileo & Zebra)

Which is better – Dopamine or Cydia 2

Dopamine Jailbreak doesn’t support Cydia. You can get only Sileo and Zebra package managers with limited device compatibility.

Cydia 2 is a modern app manager and can be installed with or without jailbreaking. Unlike Dopamine, which offers Sileo or Zebra with outdated features, Cydia 2 provides new features such as iOS 15 to 18.3.1 support repositories and modified apps.

Dopamine Jailbreak Compatibility

iOS 15.0, iOS 15.0.1, iOS 15.0.2, iOS 15.1, iOS 15.1.1, iOS 15.2, iOS 15.2.1, iOS 15.3, iOS 15.3.1, iOS 15.4, iOS 15.4.1, 16.5.1, 16.6.1

iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE

Download Dopamine Jailbreak

How to Install Dopamine On Your iDevice

Install Dopamine jailbreak via TrollStore
  1. Install TrollStore on your iOS 15 to 15.4.1 iPhone.
  2. Download Dopamine from the button above.
  3. Share the IPA file with TrollStore.
  4. TrollStore installs Dopamine Jailbreak.
  5. Access Dopamine from the Home Screen.
Install Dopamine jailbreak via Sideloadly
  1. Download the latest Dopamine IPA for iOS 15.
  2. Install Sideloadly on Windows or macOS.
  3. Use Sideloadly to install Dopamine Jailbreak IPA.
  4. Open the Dopamine app from the Home Screen.
  5. Check if your iPhone is supported.
  6. Tap Jailbreak to start the process.
  7. Wait for the device to be jailbroken.
  8. Respring your device to enable tweaks support.
  9. Open Sileo from the Home Screen.
  10. Upgrade all packages to the latest version.

Cydia for Dopamine (Cydiamine)

The developer @Sunstar_16 has released a new Cydia version called Cydiamine, which includes Dopamine. It is still in the development stage, but you can get the demo version. It is designed with several iOS tweaks and developments.

Cydia for Dopamine ( Cydiamine )

Cydiamine Updates

Default Repositories for Dopamine

This list showcases the default repositories included with the Dopamine jailbreak tool. These repositories allow you to discover a wide range of customization options for your iOS device, including the best tweaks and themes.

  1. Bigboss repository
  2. Chariz repository
  3. Sileo repository
  4. Havoc repository
  5. Procursus repository
  6. repository
  7. zp’s rootless repository

Supported Tweaks for Dopamine

Enhance the functionality of your iPhone with the most efficient Dopamine rootless tweaks.

  • Shuffle – Neatly organizes your settings into sections.
  • April – Offer customizations for the settings app, such as Dark, Light, or Blur effects.
  • Velvet 2 – Enable modern banner notification options with color effects.
  • Snapper 3 – All the possible screenshot-getting options available.
  • Waqt – Enhance the status bar with more time-related info beyond the current time.
  • PowerSelector – Activate power off, safe mode, reboot, respring, and UserSpace Reboot.
  • DLEasy – Easy way to share your photos and videos from social apps.
  • Alpine – Get new style tvOS notification and prompt aesthetics.
  • Lynx – Offer the finest jailbreak customization features in one tweak.
  • EZSwipe – Personalize the swipe-down gesture on the home screen.

Dopamine Jailbreak Alternatives

Looking for ways to personalize your iPhone beyond the Dopamine jailbreak?

NekoJB, Serotonin, KFD-Exploit jailbreak, and Misaka tweak manager are several popular alternative solutions that offer a wider range of options for your iOS 15 to iOS 18 & higher devices.

Dopamine Jailbreak News

RootHide is a completely hidden jailbreak method that works smoothly without requiring injection, modification, patching, or hooking into apps.

Now it has become a part of the Dopamine Jailbreak project.


Dopamine - Roothide


1. What is Dopamine?

Dopamine Jailbreak 2.0 is a tool that enables users to jailbreak all modern iOS devices.

2. Which iOS versions and devices are supported?

iOS 15 – iOS 16.6.1 (A12+)

3. Is dopamine safe for your iPhone?

Yes. It is safe.

4. What are the main features of Dopamine Jailbreak 2.0?

Enhanced functionality through tweak injection support

5. Does dopamine offer Cydia?

No, only Sileo and Zebra. But you can expect Cydia from dopamine in future updates.

6. Who is the developer of Dopamine?

Lars Fröder expanded upon the original fugu15 proof of concept developed by Linus Henze.